Monthly Archives: October 2014

Happy Halloween!

Tux halloween

In lieu of our usual Feline Friends Friday I wanted to wish everyone a Happy and safe Halloween! Apparently I have a matching costume with mom and dad (so dorky lol), so stay tuned for that on Monday. And since I’m a San Francisco kitty I also have to give a shout out to my Giants and their championship parade today! It’s raining so I’m going to stay inside, but I’ll watch on tv. And it’s perfect that the team colors are black and orange 🙂 Go Giants, Happy Halloween, and TGIF, what a day!!

Cat Lady Covets: Creepy Cat Candle

cat candle

Continuing on our Halloween theme, I’ve chosen this modern looking cat candle for this week’s covet. However it’s no ordinary candle…as it burns down a metal cat skeleton emerges. I can’t decide if (as a cat owner) they’re morbid or cool, but I guess if we have human skeletons around for Halloween we might as well have cat skeletons too, right? And unlike most candles that are spent once you burn them down, this one has a metal skeleton surprise that you can keep using year after year for Halloween decor.

Daily Dose of Dapper: Vampire Kitty

Tux vampire

Did I scare you?! Muahahahaha. I’m getting excited for Halloween and am doing my best vampire impression for the camera (well, mom caught me mid-yawn, but it totally looks scary and vampire-ish, right?). I vant to suck your bloooooood…well, actually, I vant some tuna or I will be forced to bite you and suck your bloooooood!

Tux Tuesday: Dress Up Time

Cat costumes

Dog taco costumeIt’s that time of year that all of us pets hate: Halloween. While it seems that our other family members (the humans) love the excuse to dress up, us cats in particular despise it. There are some things that I’d tolerate, like my signature bow tie, or a cool rocker shirt or leather vest, but with my luck mom will put me in something like the poor dog to the right. But mom promises that I wont hate my costume too much this year, and that she’ll only put it on me for a second for a quick pic. I say there better be lots of treats involved. Stay tuned for my costume reveal next week.

Daily Dose of Dapper: Sleep Stages

Tux sleeping

For me, the weekend is all about catching up on my sleep. Well who am I kidding, most of my life is about sleeping, but the weekend is a great excuse for even more cat napping. Mom caught me in the “sleep zone,” falling deeper and deeper into kitty REM sleep to the point of twitching whiskers and paws.

Tux sleeping 2


Tux sleeping 3


Tux sleeping 4

Sleepiest zzzzzzzzzzzz

Cat Lady Covets: Black Cat Cardigan

Cat patch cardigan

A long, black boyfriend cardigan is a good basic for anyone to have in their wardrobe. Now add to it a chic and simple cat face elbow patch and your basic cardi gets a little dash of humor – like it’s giving a little wink as you leave. I think we all agree that everyone can use a bit of fun and levity in their lives.

Daily Dose of Dapper: The Cat’s Out of the Bag


I never mind when my parents go shopping because that means new bags and boxes for me! We all know how much I love them, and if you didn’t, here’s another “Tux in a bag” picture for you.

Speaking of cats and bags, have you ever wondered where the phrase “letting the cat out of the bag” came from? I was just wondering and looked it up. There seem to be two theories: 1. Sailors used to be punished for transgressions with a whipping from the cat o’ nine tails, which had to be taken out of a bag (so taking the “cat” out of the bag would lead to painful punishment. And 2. In the late middle ages finer meat was scarce, so sometimes merchants would substitute a cat or dog (I know, gross) in a bag rather than the promised pig to try to dupe buyers. The bag would be tied shut, so buyers usually didn’t know until they got home that they had been duped. But if buyers opened the bag, they would “let the cat out of the bag” and see that it was in fact not a pig. However, both theories seem to have been dispelled over the years, with many just accepting the more believable truth that anyone who has ever gotten a cat into a bag knows that once out, it will not go back, suggesting the irreversibility of a told secret. But it’s always fun to hear the other theories!

Tux Tuesday: Cat Donut

Tux on his donut

Building upon yesterday’s post about places I like to sleep, I would like to discuss another favorite, my donut. At least that’s what we call it, not sure if it has a proper name (Ed note: it does, Puffy Round Cat Bed). It sits on a table in our bay window, and provides the perfect napping and lookout spot.

Puffy round cat bed

At first I wouldn’t sleep in it because it was naked, just sitting there. I mean, would you sleep on a mattress with no sheets? But luckily mom got the hint and lays out towels on it, making it one of my favorite spots.

Daily Dose of Dapper: California King

Tux stretched out

Everyone has their preferred sleeping positions. Sometimes when I’m sleeping I like to curl up in a ball, but other times I need to stretch my little kitty legs out. I’ve taken to sleeping on the dining room chairs lately, but my long body doesn’t quite fit on just one when I’m stretched out. Solution: just use two chairs and turn them into my own version of a California King bed…added length for us “tall” kitties. I like to think of myself as a king anyways.

Tux face sleepingTux sleeping