Tux Tuesday: Testing the Water

Ice mold

Tuna broth flavored ice water, to be exact. Do you remember the post I did a couple of weeks ago with the video of those little kitties licking the ice ball (click here for a reminder)? Well, we had another heat wave come through San Francisco this past weekend and decided to try it out! Mom froze some of my favorite broth treat (for flavor) with some water in these cool circular ice molds. She let it sit overnight in the freezer, and then next day popped it out into a little bowl to catch the water while it melted. Well…it was a nice thought, but just didn’t interest me. I wandered over, sniffed it and batted at it a couple of times, gave it a couple of licks, and then lost interest. She left it out for an hour to see if I wandered back over, but I just wasn’t into it. Maybe it needed more flavoring? Maybe I would have been more interested if it was in a different bowl? Who knows, but it was a valiant effort on moms part. Has anyone else tried this?

Tux tasting the broth

2 thoughts on “Tux Tuesday: Testing the Water

  1. pilch92

    That was sweet of your Mom. I haven’t tried it because I figured my kitties would have the same reaction you did 🙂


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